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What is BrainE4?

BrainE4 is changing the way companies, public authorities and organizations collect feedback and ideas. Instead of static surveys or endless meetings, you get real opinions in real time – anonymous, unfiltered and interactive.

  • Results in days, not months.

  • Deeper insights instead of superficial statistics.

  • Faster, more informed decisions.

What does the name BrainE4 stand for?

Brain → Collective intelligence for better decisions
E → stands for engagement. Every vote counts – anonymously and honestly
4 →for our four areas of application:

  • Employee Experience (engage employees)

  • Customer Experience (understanding customers)

  • Citizen Participation (involving citizens)

  • Data-Driven Leadership (combining data with real knowledge)

What is an insight hub?

An insight hub is an interactive platform where stakeholders openly, anonymously and without bias share ideas, exchange opinions and develop solutions. No data collection, but active participation.


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