Frequently Asked Questions
What is BrainE4?
What does the name BrainE4 mean?
What is an Insight Hub?
How is an Insight Hub different from static surveys, traditional e-participation, or opinion research?
How is an Insight Hub different from a static survey?
How is an Insight Hub different from traditional e-participation?
How is an Insight Hub different from opinion research?
How is an Insight Hub different from social media?
Is BrainE4 GDPR compliant?
Is my data protected when using collective intelligence?
Is data security guaranteed with BrainE4?
Is an Insight Hub representative?
What happens to my data after an Insight Hub is completed?
Will BrainE4 raise unrealistic expectations among my stakeholders?
How long does it take to start using BrainE4?
Is BrainE4 suitable for older stakeholders?
How can I be sure that BrainE4’s ranking is accurate?
How quickly can I see results with BrainE4?
How does BrainE4 prevent groupthink?
Does collective intelligence lead to "herd mentality"?
Can BrainE4 be used in multiple languages?
Is BrainE4 optimized for smartphones?
Can we test BrainE4 before purchasing?
How can I plan my budget with "moderated Feedback Units"?
What happens if my budget limit is reached?
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