Too many of our decisions are based on guesswork! BrainE4 brings all relevant voices to the table – anonymously, unfiltered, honestly. No hierarchies. No speculation. No distortion.
✅ Real feedback
✅ No filtered reports
✅ No distortion
✅ Know what's really going on
The knowledge is already there – but how do I get to it?
You have to make decisions alone – but on what basis?
Appreciation creates participation – but how do I give employees a voice?
Employees have innovative suggestions, but no one listens to them.
Martin, CEO
Martin regularly received reports – but these were filtered and did not show the whole picture. What was really going wrong? What issues were employees concerned about? The real problems remained hidden.
When employees feel that they are not being heard, their motivation drops.
Thomas, CHRO
Thomas was struggling with high employee turnover. But the HR data provided only superficial answers – was it the salary? The management? The corporate culture?
Many companies lack spaces where employees can openly and honestly share their thoughts.
Sophie, HR Manager
Sophie sensed that her employees' satisfaction was declining – but traditional surveys did not provide any real insights. The real reasons remained unclear.
With BrainE4, Martin received unfiltered, honest feedback from all levels of his organization. He was finally able to make informed decisions instead of relying on assumptions or distorted data.
With BrainE4, Thomas gained deep insights into the real reasons behind the resignations. Instead of just fighting symptoms, he was able to take targeted action that really made a difference.
With BrainE4, she received anonymous, honest feedback that helped her make targeted improvements. The result? Higher employee retention, better company culture and more engagement.
BrainE4 makes the collective knowledge of your employees visible – unfiltered, in real time and without vested interests.
What are our greatest opportunities?
What risks and threats should we prepare for?
BrainE4 provides you with authentic, unfiltered insights in real time.
What are the "elephants" in the room that we don't talk about openly?
What are our strengths that we can build on?
BrainE4 creates an open, safe environment where everyone can participate without fear.
What do we need to improve as an organization?
What is the area that currently concerns you?
The knowledge is already there – but how do I get to it?
Employees have innovative suggestions, but no one listens to them.
Martin, CEO
Martin regularly received reports – but these were filtered and did not show the whole picture. What was really going wrong? What issues were employees concerned about? The real problems remained hidden.
With BrainE4, Martin received unfiltered, honest feedback from all levels of his organization. He was finally able to make informed decisions instead of relying on assumptions or distorted data.
BrainE4 makes the collective knowledge of your employees visible – unfiltered, in real time and without vested interests.
What are our greatest opportunities?
What risks and threats should we prepare for?
You have to make decisions alone – but on what basis?
When employees feel that they are not being heard, their motivation drops.
Thomas, CHRO
Thomas was struggling with high employee turnover. But the HR data provided only superficial answers – was it the salary? The management? The corporate culture?
With BrainE4, Thomas gained deep insights into the real reasons behind the resignations. Instead of just fighting symptoms, he was able to take targeted action that really made a difference.
BrainE4 provides you with authentic, unfiltered insights in real time.
What are the "elephants" in the room that we don't talk about openly?
What are our strengths that we can build on?
Appreciation creates participation – but how do I give employees a voice?
Many companies lack spaces where employees can openly and honestly share their thoughts.
Sophie, HR Manager
Sophie sensed that her employees' satisfaction was declining – but traditional surveys did not provide any real insights. The real reasons remained unclear.
With BrainE4, she received anonymous, honest feedback that helped her make targeted improvements. The result? Higher employee retention, better company culture and more engagement.
BrainE4 creates an open, safe environment where everyone can participate without fear.
What do we need to improve as an organization?
What is the area that currently concerns you?
From setup to final reports, you get a turnkey solution that is ready to use immediately.
Your Insight Hubs are perfectly set up from day one. We take care of everything, tailored to the goals you set in the kick-off workshop.
Your Insight Hubs are perfectly set up from day one. We take care of everything, tailored to the goals you set in the kick-off workshop.
Maximum security & flexibility
Your data is safe. Swiss infrastructure, flexible hosting worldwide – you decide where your data stays.
Maximum security & flexibility
Your data is safe. Swiss infrastructure, flexible hosting worldwide – you decide where your data stays.
White Label Branding
Your Insight Hubs will carry your logo – on all platforms and in all notifications.
White Label Branding
Your Insight Hubs will carry your logo – on all platforms and in all notifications.
We make sure that your project achieves maximum impact. Together, we define your requirements precisely and develop a customized strategy that will get you to your goal safely – efficiently, thoughtfully, and effectively.
We analyze your challenges and goals together. Based on a prepared questionnaire, we develop the best solutions – directly implementable and to the point.
We analyze your challenges and goals together. Based on a prepared questionnaire, we develop the best solutions – directly implementable and to the point.
Successful participation begins with precise, open questions. We formulate them in such a way that you receive honest, unfiltered feedback – for real insights instead of superficial answers.
Successful participation begins with precise, open questions. We formulate them in such a way that you receive honest, unfiltered feedback – for real insights instead of superficial answers.
Individual additional services
Every project is unique. From in-depth analysis to strategic recommendations, we deliver customized solutions to help you achieve maximum impact.
Individual additional services
Every project is unique. From in-depth analysis to strategic recommendations, we deliver customized solutions to help you achieve maximum impact.
Yes! Free demo – no obligation & no risk.
Full cost transparency – you set the budget, we stick to it
No surprises – we will keep you informed of progress in good time
You stay in control – we will inform you in good time
You decide whether to continue or adjust the process
How quickly can I get started with BrainE4?
Ready to go in just one week – no IT integration required
Final results in just four weeks
How does BrainE4 improve decisions?
More than data – real knowledge: Understanding the "why" behind the numbers
Unfiltered insights: No hierarchies or loud opinions to distort the picture
Genuine engagement: Stakeholders feel heard – for better acceptance