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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Data protection and security

Can we rely on data security at BrainE4?

Is data protection guaranteed under the GDPR?

Is data protection also guaranteed when using collective intelligence?

2. Operational Concerns

I fear losing control through the use of collective intelligence

I'm afraid that I'm raising unrealistic expectations among my stakeholders

What distinguishes BrainE4 from free feedback tools?

We already have many tools - why will BrainE4 make a difference?

What if BrainE4 doesn't fit in with our corporate culture?

Technological change always involves risk - what if it doesn't work?

Isn't another communication approach superfluous?

Won't the implementation of BrainE4 take too long?

Won't this complicate our work processes?

Our older team members are not tech-savvy - will BrainE4 cause them problems?

3. Effectiveness and Results

I am not convinced that BrainE4 can give us new insights

Similar systems have not delivered the hoped-for results in our past!

What if BrainE4 does not meet our expectations?

How quickly can I see results with BrainE4?

I am concerned that the results we get from BrainE4 might not be representative. How can we rely on them to reflect the true opinion of our target group?

4. Frequent concerns and clarifications about human swarm intelligence

In theory, human swarm intelligence sounds really good, but how do we avoid herd behavior?

Doesn't human swarm intelligence tend to lead to "swarm stupidity"?

How can I trust that artificial intelligence in BrainE4 will not distort opinions?

If everyone has a voice, couldn't emotional or uninformed opinions drown out rational ones?

5. Adaptability

Can BrainE4 be used in different languages?

Is BrainE4 optimized for mobile devices?

Can we test BrainE4 before we buy it?

How does BrainE4 adapt to the specific needs of our organization?

What happens if we need additional functions or customizations for BrainE4?

6. Technical integration and support

Is BrainE4 compatible with our existing systems and software solutions?

How time-consuming is the training for an administrator?

Won't we need constant updates and technical support?

7. Scalability and further development

What about the scalability of BrainE4 as our company grows?

Can smaller companies benefit from BrainE4 just as much as large companies?

Will BrainE4 be further developed to keep pace with the changing requirements of the market?

8. Contract and service conditions

What happens to our data if we decide to cancel the service?

9. Value Clicks

How can I be sure that the «Value Clicks» generated are useful to me?

What happens when my budget is reached and my participants can no longer interact?

What happens if the swarm dialog does not produce the results I expected?

How can I estimate the number of «Value Clicks» for a cost roof?

What happens if the number of «Value Clicks» does not meet expectations?

Learn more about our method, the solutions and our value-based pricing model.