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Public plus


Encourage open dialogue and active participation from all stakeholders.

Example of Use

Beyond Participation

Revolutionizes citizen participation by giving each individual a voice, strengthens democracy through active involvement in decision-making processes.

Beyond Participation

Political Bridges

Facilitates constructive debate and consensus-building across political and ideological boundaries, promotes deep mutual understanding and respectful agreement.

Political Bridges

Policy Impact Assessment

Establishes a sound process for evaluating and shaping the effects of policy decisions, thereby strengthening democracy and promoting political accountability.

Policy Impact Assessment

Public Safety

Revolutionizes local security by enabling everyone to actively participate in shaping the security of their environment.

Public Safety

On-the-Ground Intelligence

Utilizes civilian smartphones as sensors to increase public safety and enable rapid response to security threats.

On-the-Ground Intelligence

Learn more about our method, the solutions and our value-based pricing model.

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